Ticket to the New World is finally in New York

The new American version of our Ticket to the New World project will be launched on June 14 at the Bohemian National Hall in Mahattan. After two years of postponements caused by the covid pandemic, an exhibition will open there, featuring the artworks of five artists from our project: architect and designer Ladislav Sutnar, photographer […]

Marie von Ebner Eschenbach Memorial: The reconstruction of the front terrace is complete

During the spring months of 2022, we began the long-delayed project with the construction company OK CONSTRUCTION AND SANITATION to drain the area at the entrance to the tomb building, clean the drains, repair the insulation and, most importantly, lay the sandstone-effect concrete paving. Now this area will provide much better access for visitors and […]

The CNT and ANOPA have agreed on mutual support and cooperation

 On February 18, 2022, the Czech National Trust (CNT) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Non-State Open Monuments, z.s. (ANOPA), declaring mutual support for our activities and mission, information sharing, cooperation in the field of marketing, education and other activities aimed at public benefit goals.

Rozmital Castle is alive!

Change of registered office

We would like to inform all partners and supporters of the Czech National Trust that on 22nd November 2021 the registered office of the company has changed from Czech National Trust, o.p.s.,

Sněmovní náměstí 2/4, 767 01 Kroměříž to the following address:

Czech National Trust, o.p.s.
Na příkopě 988/31
Staré Město
110 00 Prague 1

Auction of Winged Arrow working sketches

On November 27, 2021, the auction of sketches the “Winged Arrow” will take place in new EXPO 58 art exhibition hall in Prague, the proceeds of which should take the project of returning the sculpture to the Škoda Palace building one step further.

The auction is preceded on 18 November 2021 by the pre-auction exhibition and the CNT social evening in the EXPO 58 pavilion. It will be a great opportunity to meet those interested in supporting this project, with long-term supporters of the CNT and to make new contacts.