CNT Chairman Irena Edwards receives Freedom of the City of London

The Freedom of the City is an honour bestowed by a municipality upon a valued member of the community who achieved success, recognition or celebrity in their chosen field. Presented since 1237, the Freedom of the City of London is one of the oldest surviving ceremonies still in existence today and is still closely associated with membership of the City Livery Companies.

The City of London, colloquially also known as the Square Mile, contains the historic centre and the primary central business district of London. New “Freemen“ are enrolled in a ceremony in Guildhall, as part of which they receive a guide to conducting their lives in an honourable fashion and a sealed certificate.

Being a “Freeman” of the City of London is a great honour and is also accompanied by some rather amusing old medieval rights, such as the right to drive sheep and cattle over the London Bridge.

Irena Edwards and the whole CNT team are very proud. Congratulations, Irena!

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